Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday 21 November

During the staff meeting before the children arrived, I asked staff to tell me their earliest memory of playing. During the morning, several did this.

Last year the Playground was voted the best playground in London.

There is a 'hair' themed party on the last day before the playground closes for Christmas. Children and staff have to wear 'big' hair - wigs, moustaches, long plaits.

Here is a video of the carcass of a bird, hanging from a tree, it has been there over a year. When I mention this to a playworker, he tells me there used to be two chickens kept on the playground. They were kept in a pen, but free to roam with the children. They were once put into plastic bags and swung around on the lengths of string by some children up on the 'hill'. They were eventually killed by a fox.

I have not met a boy called Ibby before. As I say hello, he stands very close, and strokes my beard, he returns on several occasions to do this again.

A playworker sits on a bench with a child, cutting shapes from a large sheet of silver card.

A small girl tries to grab some blue tac stuck high up on the gate - she loves the feel of it in her hands.

I remember playing with my dad, when he came home from work - he used to work shifts. On fridays he would bring treats home. One day he brought home a kitten for me and my brother. My brother was holding the tabby, and I knew something was wrong, because it wasnt moving. My brother had held it too tightly, and strangled it. We buried it. The next day my dad bought another kitten.

My earliest memory was at school in the UK, climbing frames. Then I moved to Colombia when I was four and a half, where I played with cars, and drawing a track with chalk, playing with marbles at school, football, then cycling by the age of seven. William

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