Saturday, January 16, 2010

16 January 2010

I am participating in At Play 2 - the second of two exhibitions - being held at South Hill Park, from April 17 to 20 June 2010.

The exhibitions:

are intended to re-create in the viewers . . . a sense of what it is like to be a child at play. The works invite the viewer to watch, to touch, to explore, to trust, to think, to remember, to laugh, to join in, to peer, to bend down, to bounce about, to take a chance . . . or to play.

I am devising slogans inviting people to play / perform playful acts. Each of the slogans will be hand written on boards and displayed either inside, or outside the arts centre. I had intended to ask children at Charlie Chaplin to devise the slogans, but concentrated instead on gathering stories written by the children - these to be published as an edition of A3, my poster style publication.

There is also the possibility that several of the boards will be displayed in Bracknall town centre, a short distance away.

Here are a sample of the slogans (the first one is directly inspired by a boy playing at the playground):

Thrash A Puddle With A Stick

Sing Your Favourite Song To A Bird

Talk Utter Nonsense

Follow Someone And Touch Them On The Shoe Gently

Make Your Shadow Dance

Embrace Someone Who Is Close To You

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